Hurst Castle Sailing Club
Hurst Castle Sailing Club General Committee – From March 2022
Commodore –Paul Moxey email:
Chairing General Committee.
Management of club business, finances and programmes.
Approval of sub-committee budgets.
Co-ordination of Flag Officers and other team leaders.
Monitoring Development Plan implementation and updates.
Ensuring Club Website is maintained.
Ensuring official returns are made to RYA.
Project managing grant applications.
Maintaining contact with local sailing clubs and sailing organisations.
Ensuring member complaints and comments are dealt with promptly.
​Vice Commodore – Martyn Osborne
Deputising for Commodore in his absence.
Leading and project managing specific tasks.
Co-ordinating activities and actions for club activities and events.
Hon. Secretary – Sue Page email:
Setting dates and agenda’s for General Committee meetings in consultation with commodore.
Taking and circulating minutes and recording decisions.
Sourcing information from Membership Secretary and Treasurer and Flag Officers in advance
of meetings. -
Facilitating communication between committee members and membership at large.
Processing club email, postal and telephone correspondence.
Liaising with RYA.
Maintaining club leaflet stocks and membership application forms in the clubhouse.
Issuing notices of Annual General and Special meetings.
Taking and circulating minutes and dealing with correspondence in connection with the meetings.
Archiving club records on an annual basis.
Rear Commodore Sailing – Andy Peter email:
Lead the Sailing Committee in drawing up a Sailing Programme for the year.
Allocate tasks in preparation for each sailing event.
Arrange dates for Sailing Committee meetings and the taking of minutes.
Manage maintenance of Club Fleet and Support Boats.
Set up training for Support Boat crews.
Manage Sailing Committee budget allocated by the General Committee.
Report to General Committee on sailing and related issues.
Provide input concerning on-the water safety to Club Health and Safety Policy and
Risk Assessments.
Rear Commodore Finance – Steve Leggett email:
To convene and chair meetings of the Finance Committee as required and to minute
decisions made. -
To ensure correct maintenance of club accounts by Hon Treasurer.
To oversee club expenditure and ensure funds are held securely.
To report to General Committee on Club revenue, expenditure and income.
To recommend the provision of funds for capital expenditure.
To prepare end of year accounts.
To arrange for these accounts to be audited by an external auditor and copies of the
audited accounts to be sent to members in advance of the Clubs AGM. -
To present the accounts at the Clubs AGM.
To ensure that liaison with HMRC regarding Gift Aid relief is undertaken as appropriate and that the necessary returns are submitted on time.
Rear Commodore Social – Mike Lattimer email:
Lead Social Committee in preparation of annual social events
Report to General Committee on social programme and events.
Canvas and collate members views on Club social events and policies.
Allocate tasks for each event to social committee members.
Book service providers e.g. caterers and external venues and external venues as required.
Oversee event preparation and delivery of social events.
Manage Social Committee budget as allocated by the GeneralCommittee.
Manage ticket sales for events and collate and account for resulting revenues to pass
to Hon. Treasurer. -
Provide input on Health and Safety issues at social events to Club Health & Safety Policy and risk assessments.
Rear Commodore House – Peter Hume Tel: 01425 616766 email:
Role - the role is supported by a team of members that carries out the range of practical and day to day tasks involved.
Lead team in :-
Maintenance of club building fabric and grounds using member volunteers.
Negotiating with utilities to provide gas, water and electrical and telephone services to the club.
Authorising payment of utility bills.
Commissioning approved contractors to carry out maintenance of fire systems, fire extinguishers and electrical and gas appliances in the clubhouse.
Manage team budget as allocated by General Committee
Setting annual fees for lockers and engine store places and managing allocation to members.
Collecting locker and engine store fees and collate and account for resulting revenues to pass to Hon Treasurer.
Support Dinghy Park Master in the administration and allocation of dinghy park spaces.
Ensure that maintenance equipment such as lawn mowers are properly maintained.
Report to General Committee on clubhouse and grounds maintenance and service issues
Committee Members
Sara White
Sheila Wicks
Andy Barrett
Hilary Moxey
Paul Jepson
Contributing to the effective operation of the General Committee which is responsible for the overall management of the Club.
Hon. Membership Secretary - Meriel McCarthy email:
To maintain an up-to-date list of members, including recording of payment of subscriptions and donations.
To administer the membership application process.
To report on new members and leavers to the GeneralCommittee.
To inform members of any change in subscription rates.
To maintain the list of Gift-Aid declarations of members.
Hon. Treasurer – Alan Bailey
Using online banking for payments and statements.
Maintaining accurate cash books and reconciling each month to bank account statements.
Filing records of receipts and payments.
Getting approval for and paying approved Club expenses.
Setting up and monitoring standing orders for payment of Club rent, rates and utility expenses.
Liaising with Hon. Membership Secretary on membership subscription payments.
Liaising with Dinghy Park Administrator on dinghy park fee payments.
Providing Rear Commodore Finance with cash book reports and statements to be presented at General Committee and other relevant meetings.
Dinghy Park Administrators – Peter Smith
To administer and maintain Dinghy Park Database.
To administer and maintain Dinghy Park Map.
To issue Dinghy Park renewal letters each year and process
resulting information and payments received. -
To maintain Dinghy Park waiting list for display in the Clubhouse.
To process requests for dinghy park winter storage liaising with Dinghy Park Bosun.
To liaise closely with Dinghy Park Bosun on all Dinghy Park matters.
Dinghy Park Bosun – Vacant
To provide an "on the ground presence" for practical Dinghy Park matters.
To "police" the Dinghy Park and be visible to members to deal with practical queries.
Marking Dingy Park spaces.
Moving boats to ensure optimum use and safe management of the Dinghy Park.
Liaising with Dinghy Park Administrator to facilitate consistency of Dinghy Park records.
Club Welfare Officer - Kay Fahey
Maintain up-to-date Safeguarding Policy guided by RYA.
Make members aware of their position, role, and contact details.
Advise General Committee on Safeguarding issues.
Maintain contact details of relevant local agencies e.g., Child Social Care Services.
Be first point of contact for any concerns or allegations related to safeguarding.
Decide on appropriate action to be taken in conjunction with Commodore or Vice Commodore. Implement agreed action.
Mark Sheppard
Jean Woods
Jim Page
Role of the Trustees
Candidates for appointment as Trustees will normally have previous experience of serving as a member of the General Committee and/or Flag Officer of the Club. Appointment as a Trustee is a long term appointment, so the Trustees bring an important element of continuity to the management of the Club. In terms of their function on the General Committee, the Trustees act ex officio as “elder statesmen/women” offering advice and guidance to the Officers.