Hurst Castle Sailing Club


Social Information
The Club organises a series of social events during the year including informal discos/dances, indoor suppers, and quiz nights. The Club has a number of portable BBQ cookers available for members to use in the club grounds during the summer months. The resulting informal BBQs often coincide with sailing events. Special social events are run to launch and close the sailing season. The latter includes a prize-giving to celebrate sailing successes during the year.

During the winter months a series of winter talks are organised to run at the clubhouse on a range of topics, nautical and otherwise. A Christmas Party for junior members is also run.
A Coffee Morning runs on Tuesday mornings from 10am throughout the year at the clubhouse. This provides an ideal opportunity for local members to meet and socialise as well as organise sailing activities, crews etc.
Club facilities include a modern and very well equipped kitchen (galley). The Club does not have a bar but some of our functions do involve the consumption of alcohol.